Student Affairs Assessment Committee
Student Affairs Assessment Committee
Student Affairs Staff Representatives
Jeff Benike—Assistant Director, Residence Life
Dr. Kevin Joseph—Assistant Vice Provost, Student Affairs
Miranda Kolenda—Senior Assistant Director for Program, KU Recreation Services
Jenny McKee—Associate Director, Health Education Resource Office
Ash Wilson—Director, Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity
Campus Partner Staff and Faculty Representatives
Rachel Davis—Curriculum Manager, KU Academic Program and Experiential Learning
Kate Kemper—Associate Director, Student and Civic Engagement, Center for Service Learning
Amy Leyerzapf—Director, Graduate Studies in Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion
Cambre Morrow—Graduate Assistant, Center for Orientation and Transition Programs
Roles and Responsibilities
The SA Assessment Committee meets six times (bimonthly) per Academic Year. Terms of service for staff and faculty committee members will be three years. Committee members are responsible for the following:
- Understanding the components of the SA Learning Goals to ensure goals are learner-centered and reflective of professional competencies and best practices.
- Providing feedback on department learning outcomes to improve outcome alignment with SL Learning Goals and department mission statements.
- Revising current assessment processes to develop a culture of assessment in SA that emphasizes betterment, coherence, collaboration, equity, inquiry, and most importantly, the student-learner experience.
- Overseeing review of department assessment plans and SA Annual Impact Report for progress.
- Actively participating in committee and subcommittee activities and discussions.
- Promote and advocate for implementation of SA assessment processes to all internal and external stakeholders.
- Be aware of potential issues that may challenge the ability of SA departments and staff to effectively engage in the assessment process.
- Actively engage with KU students, peers, and colleagues to ensure the Committee is informed and meeting the cocurricular learning needs of student